Saturday, September 12, 2009

huh letih

Baru sampai Kuantan malam tadi,
Macam-macam benda jadi kat Nilai,
Tapi aku ada perasaan suka/pengalaman suka yg baru
Iaitu,pengalaman menipu/berpura-pura!!hahahahahahahah
Seronok jugak la buat mende ni,walaupun menyusahkan diri sendiri.
The thing is, aku berpura-pura kepada beberapa orang yang masalah aku dengan mereka suda selesai.
Padahal dalam hati ni sapa tau sakit gile siot!!
Tapi tu la, taknak bagi masalah ni meleret, sampai orang yg x perlu/patut tahu pun boleh tau.
Aku sedang nantikan phone call orang-orang(musanna) yang nak masuk campur tu.
Sapa yang bagitau mereka?? ada la orang tu
Tapi individu yang memberitahu tu tak tau yang aku dan seorang kawan aku tau mengenai tindak-tanduk beliau.
Ahh..biarlah, as long as this thing have been solved even with the "improper" way.
Nasib baik diorang x tau yang aku ada blog. So post aku kali ni "selamat".
Lepas ni takde lagi kepura-puraan oleh orang lain. Hanya aku yang akan terus berpura pura.
Dan seorang kucing putih.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Posko Ganyang Malaysia, Pendaftar Diisi Ilmu Kebal

Jakarta - Pendaftaran untuk para relawan 'Ganyang Malaysia' terus dibuka Relawan Benteng Demokrasi Untuk Rakyat (Bendera) yang bermarkas di Jalan Diponegoro 58, Jakarta Pusat. Selain didata, para relawan yang ingin pergi ke Malaysia juga diisi ilmu kebal.

"Saat ini yang sudah mendaftar sebanyak 360 orang. Mereka semua telah dilatih ilmu kebal oleh seorang pendekar asal Banten," jelas Aji Kusuma, Sekjen Repdem kepada detikcom, Senin (7/9/2009).

Dikatakan Aji, ilmu kebal yang diberikan para relawan yang akan dikirim ke
Malaysia bukan sekadar tempelan alias diberi jimat saja. Para relawan diisi ilmu kebal secara permanen.

Selain para relawan yang mendaftar, kata Aji, para aktivis posko Bendera juga diisi ilmu kebal tersebut. Salah satunya adalah Adian Napitupulu, tokoh Forum Kota (Forkot).

"Adian Napitupulu dan teman-teman di Posko Bendera diisi ilmu kebal semua.
Mereka dalam kondisi siap tempur jika diberangkatkan ke Malaysia," tandasnya.

Posko ganyang Malaysia tersebut mulai dibuka 1 September 2009, lalu. Selain
membuka pendaftaran relawan, Posko Bendera juga menerima berbagai sumbangan,
seperti pedang, kemenyan, dan ilmu kebal.

Sumber :

p/s: Rakyat Malaysia,apa tunggu lagi?Persiapkanlah diri anda luar dalam, jangan dah terhantuk baru nak "berakal"?!

Monday, August 31, 2009


During Election Day


Aku update blog?pehh..
Bukan pe,blog ni bukan takat dah bersawang,siap dah berbusut2 dah tu ha,,
Minggu ni dapat cuti 3 hari,plan nak siapkan assignment yg berlambak2(baru kau berakal),
Tapi aku kalah dengan nafsu tido,Counter Strike dan Half Life beserta Warcraft yang begitu menggoda.
Dah 2 hari x sahur,tertido lewat pnye pasal.Bila orang kejut pun,rasa macam nak anugerahkan flying sidekick je kepada individu yang kejutkan aku tu.
Tapi berkat bulan Ramadhan,hasrat untuk mengurniakan flaying sidekick tu terpendam dan digantikan dengan ayat "Kau sahur la sorang2,aku dah sahur dah minggu lepas.." bersama hati yang membara sehangat arang shisha.
Hari ni aku rasa lebih happy,bukannya segala masalah aku dah settle,tapi aku melupakan segala masalah itu dengan berfoya-foya bersama rakan-rakan dengan bertarung Counter Strike yang baru menjadi kegilaan di B214 selepas berakhirnya era kad terup kelolaan aku dan Syafik Bawah.Dah lebih seminggu aku macam mat gian yang kehabisan dadahnya sebab memikirkan masalah2 yang x diundang tersebut.Tapi daripada aku terus memikirkan masalah2 yang macam stupid ass tersebut,lebih baik fokus aku dialihkan kepada tumpuan untuk menembak Izu dengan jayanya dalam Half Life.
Hati aku terbuka untuk menaip semula lepas intai2 blog kawan FOCHUSS .Malu la blog orang lain bersih macam toilet KLCC,blog aku cam benda kat sebelah Penang Food Restaurant,kotor tapi x busuk.Hahahahaha merepek!!
Sebenarnya post aku kali ni takde main topic,saje nak puaskan hati sendiri(orang lain update,aku pun nak gak).
So nanti kalau ada something yang lebih bermanfaat,aku akan update la lagi blog ni =)
p/s: Aku f*ck budak hipokrit,jual suara,kaki pompuan!!!!!!sh*t3x!!!Semenjak dua menjak ni rasa macam nak anugerahkan turning kick kat rusuk kanan dia kasi masuk icu,cuma takut kena buang uia pulak.haha chow

Monday, July 20, 2009



While reading Sociology,i was thinking about all things that i've involve since i was in primary school,..
Firstly, Nasyid Club for just 2 years.And then i was looking for some activities that interesting (for me lah),
Then i joined Taekwondo GTF Club when i was in standard 5.At that moment, i feel very good because i'm really interested with martial arts since i was "mumayyiz", hahah.Muallim Saiful Lizan was my first instructor in Martial Arts.He teach me Taekwondo until i get green belt and blue tip.He was a very kind teacher.He teach me a lot of moral and islamic value.
And when i was in secondary school,i continue my Taekwondo class under ITF Taekwondo Club trained by Sir Hasni Musa.He is also a very good instructor.I continue my Taekwondo class there from i was in form 1(2004) until form 3(2006).And i receive my 1st "dan" black belt at August 2005.At the same time,i was helping my instructor by conducting Taekwondo classes at KIPSAS Collage.
In September 2005,i also start involving in Capoeira under Capoeira Art Association of Malaysia (CAAoM)instructed by Bro Ligeirinho,Pato,Galo,Ijan,Zarin and others.At December 2005,i receive my 1st Corda(Belt), brown in colour.At that time, i was slowly unactive in Taekwondo.
In 2006, my capoeira association was converting into Grupo Ache Brasil Capoeira, instructed by Instrutor Soldado and he also teach me a bit of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu.And i'm totally stop my Taekwondo class at that time because i want to focus in Capoeira and also my studies.At that time,i also received my "Apelido"(Nick name for each Capoeira trainer), and my capoeira name was "Grillo" means ,grasshopper.After few years i've involve in capoeira, then i've receive my "Verde Escuro Corda"(Dark Green Belt) in 2007.After that,i'm facing a lot of problems that make me decide to quit from capoeira classes.
At December 2007,i've learn Silat Seni Gayong, instructed by Cikgu Ariffin.A lot of things happen when i was training silat.And all those things have teach me how to survive in real life.Cikgu Ariffin teach me a lot of things.He was a very very good teacher ever.He teach me how to facing others in real life, how to avoid a bad people, and teach me how to be a better person.But i dont notice all those lesson when i was training with him.And when i continue my Silat class at CFSIIUM instructed by other instructor, than i realize that how lucky i am because i have an opportunities to learn with Cikgu Ariffin.Because he teach me Silat Seni Gayong deeply.
After thinking about all those things, i've realize that i've meet a very good teachers since i was in standard 5.
But here (CFSIIUM), i can't always go training because my timetable is very pack!! So i've decided to focus on my studies until i move to Gombak at 2010 insyaallah.Maybe i can have
a training just twice for each month..=(
And last but not least, after wrote all this things i realize that i havent finishing my assignment yet!!!
So i have to stop here...

Friday, July 10, 2009


Yesterday i went to Giant with Am,Hakim,Ammar and Zhafir.
Then we shopping around until we stop at purfume corner.
There's purfume that cost RM22.++.And we didnt notice the price because the price-sensor are broken.
We just look at the promotion pricetag.It said that "Free Da+&ing Deodorant worth RM6.90.
Then we just take it lah.We just look at the number without looking at the word!!Ammar just go to the counter and pay the purfume without look at the screen.WarrrGhhh!!!
I think just need to spend less then RM10 there.Lastly...Aku Kopak Minggu Nie!!!

p/s:To CFSIIUM Student:sapa nak blanje aku nasik bujang minggu nie..haha

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1st month~

1st month here,quite difficult.
Got fever,financial problem,co-activities and some other problems.
But i just try to stand here.It just for one year!!So just have to be patient lah..
All my friends here(from SMAI),Ammar,Azie,Anis and Jenny have their own campus life.
No time to disturb each other like before =p haha
Ammar still doesnt know how to use the washing machine.very funny right??
Recently,i'm planning to join a Culture Club here because i want to do something that i've never done before,its ACTING.sound weird?
So in process to become an "actor",i with my friend Abe was pretend to become hero and heroin based on the story Ayat Ayat Cinta.We snap picture together with very funny position.
hahahahaha here the picture =)(Mengapa aku yang perlu memegang watak Aisha??)
What a funny thing right?
ok thats all for today =)